If you find yourself thinking you’ve been in the same job too long, you’re probably right. If you are bored, don’t like going to work and would really like a change in work scenery, you are likely stuck in what the experts call a “career rut.” It doesn’t feel great to be there, and if you don’t find a way out, you could get depressed or even physically sick.

The good news is that you don’t have to stay there. Many people have found themselves in this exact position and worked themselves out of it. You can too. Here are a few suggestions to get your motor running so that you can get out of your career rut.

Take a Look Around Inside

Maybe you don’t particularly like your job, but you love the company. Sometimes the change of scenery can be inside the same plant or organization. If you are good at your current job, you probably have a good reputation at work. Use that good will to see what other opportunities might be available inside the company. Talk to your supervisor and the human resources department. You might be able to move into the shipping department or if you are good with people, maybe even into sales. What do you have to lose by checking it out?

Volunteer for Assignments

Companies are always looking for someone to fill in for other people while they are sick or on vacation. Why not volunteer for some of those assignments? It’s all work and you will still get paid, maybe even a little more. But even more than that, you will be getting more experience at a variety of jobs. That will help you grow and it will also send a sign to the company that you are a valuable employee they can count on. It will certainly help you solidify your current job, but it will also help you get ready for your next one.

Take a Look Around Outside

If your opportunities are limited at your current workplace, maybe you need to broaden your horizon. Start looking for jobs outside the organization. You don’t have to tell anybody you’re doing this, but on your own time you can start checking the Internet for other jobs and places to work. You should also check with your family and friends to get them to help you with your search. One of the best ways to get a new job is to get referred by someone else. Does anyone you know have any connections that you can use? You can also check out recruiting companies that specialize in your line of work.

Make a Plan

You have already started on your plan by checking out the opportunities above. Here’s a few more things to consider. This might include updating your resume and even taking a course or a seminar in something you’re interested in. Set a goal for yourself to get out your career rut in three months and then take the steps to make that happen. You can do it!

Ready for a new job to jumpstart your career? Contact the experts at HCR Personnel Solutions today!

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