Job Seeker Advice

The 2021 job market is unlike any other. But, one thing still holds true: submitting a cover letter with your application materials can help you land your dream job. In a recent survey of recruiters, hiring managers, and human resources specialists, 83% of respondents said cover letters influence their hiring decisions. The survey also showed… Read more »

A job interview can be a nerve-racking experience, particularly for light industrial professionals. The top roles in manufacturing, technology, and engineering are in high demand, so light industrial professionals need to distinguish themselves from other job applicants to land the best positions.     To distinguish yourself from other light industrial job candidates, you need to make… Read more »

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has led many businesses to lay off or furlough workers, which has drastically changed the global job market. Thus, if you are on the lookout for your dream job, it may be difficult to achieve your desired result on your own.    Navigating the job market in the midst of the pandemic can be challenging…. Read more »