Southwestern Ontario Staffing Firm

Did you know that many full-time employees actually spend more time with their co-workers than with their families and friends? Talk about a good reason to get to know your co-workers! If the majority of your time is spent together, it’s in your best interest to try and create a friendly and collegial work environment…. Read more »

We all know how important it is to get enough sleep. Chances are this is something you’ve heard all your life. When you sleep well, you’re more productive, mentally sharp, emotionally balanced, and energized. And particularly if you work in the light industrial industry, arriving to work fully rested in critical. However, did you know… Read more »

In today’s competitive job market, it can be difficult to search for a job entirely on your own—particularly without any leads or contacts. Even highly qualified employees with years of experience often send out resume after resume without ever receiving a call back. This is why many job seekers turn to staffing firms. A staffing… Read more »

Studies show that we begin making assumptions about other people within the first thirty seconds of meeting them. Since thirty seconds is a pretty short period of time, that means most of these assumptions are based completely on body language. You could be an articulate, warm, funny, genuine, and intelligent person. But if your body… Read more »

Did you know that the first five minutes of an interview are often the most important? As soon as you walk into the room, your prospective employer is already making tons of snap judgments about you that will inevitably influence their hiring decision. How are you dressed? What’s your energy like? Did you arrive on… Read more »

Nobody wants to appear as though they don’t know all the answers at work. When faced with a workplace dilemma, sometimes it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable to ask for help. But the truth is that even the most seasoned professionals need to ask for help sometimes. A workplace is always full of potential challenges… Read more »

Finishing one job and beginning another means starting fresh with new co-workers and a new employer, right? Wrong. When it comes to your career, you’re never completely starting over. Maintaining a positive relationship with old employer(s) is actually highly important for all workers in any industry. If you can avoid it, you never want to… Read more »

Employees have many different reasons for leaving a job. Maybe your family relocated to a new city. Maybe you just weren’t a good fit for that particular work environment. Or perhaps you were let go due to staffing cut backs. Whatever the reason that you left your last job, it’s important to have an answer… Read more »

What’s the difference between a person who always lands great jobs and a person who continually strikes out? Two words: interview skills. You can have the most amazing resume in the world, but it won’t get you very far if your interview skills are lacking. When you impress your interviewer with your confidence and enthusiasm,… Read more »