Staffing Agency

Which is better: permanent or temporary employment? Ultimately, it helps to weigh the pros and cons of both employment options. That way, you can pursue perm or temp jobs that align with your skillset and career interests. What’s the Difference Between Permanent and Temporary Jobs? A permanent job refers to a position in which you… Read more »

Automotive assembly can provide a rewarding career path. If you pursue a career as an automotive assembler, you may find many jobs available throughout Canada. Yet, in order to find your dream auto assembly job, you need to plan ahead. That way, you can earn the skills and education required to thrive as an auto… Read more »

“What are your weaknesses?” This is a common job interview question that most candidates struggle to answer. But, those who prepare for questions about their weaknesses are well-equipped to show a potential employer they are the right for a role. How to Answer an Interview Question About Your Weaknesses If an interviewer asks you to… Read more »

You can apply transferable skills to any profession. As such, these skills can deliver immense value, particularly if you want to switch career fields. What Is the True Value of Transferable Skills? If you are considering a career switch, now is a great time to advance your transferable skills. That way, you can develop new… Read more »

You and your boss share a common goal: to maintain a safe, productive work environment. If you have job safety concerns, you need to discuss them with your boss. That way, you and your boss can work together to address your concerns. Tips to Discuss Job Safety Concerns with Your Boss It can be tough… Read more »

You may believe you’re an excellent candidate for a job. So, when you interview for a role, you may feel you’re putting your best foot forward. Despite your best efforts, you may be rejected for a job. This may be due to the fact that you’re making common mistakes in your job interview. Common Mistakes… Read more »

Automotive technology is continuously evolving. As people search for state-of-the-art cars, expect new technologies to disrupt the automotive sector. The result: these technologies could reshape the way people travel. Automotive Technology Trends to Watch Here are three automotive technology trends to watch in 2021 and beyond. 1. Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) AVs, aka self-driving vehicles, minimise… Read more »

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has led many businesses to lay off or furlough workers, which has drastically changed the global job market. Thus, if you are on the lookout for your dream job, it may be difficult to achieve your desired result on your own.    Navigating the job market in the midst of the pandemic can be challenging…. Read more »

Transferable skills, aka “soft skills,” can make or break your chances to earn your dream job. So, if you can showcase your transferable skills in a job interview, you can make it easy for your interviewer to see why you’re the right candidate for a role with their company.   There are many things you can do to highlight your… Read more »

Finding a job can be challenging, particularly for those who are seeking employment in the midst of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. But, if you stay in regular contact with a job recruiter, you can speed up your job search.   Ultimately, there are many reasons to maintain communication with your recruiter, such as:  1. You Can Stay Up… Read more »